2024 | ExLing (Paris): Elliptical appendices of relative clauses (empirischer Fokus) |
2024 | ICL/ECBAE (Poznań): Elliptical appendices of relative clauses (theoretischer Fokus) |
2023 | DGfS-Tagung (Köln): Backward deletion viewed systematically |
2021 | Workshop "New perspectives on (morpho)syntactic variation in Germanic and Romance varieties" (Zürich): Looking at (potential) ellipsis phenomena from a “formal” and from a “functional” angle |
2021 | DGfS-Tagung (Freiburg): What counts as a gap? The case of typological hierarchies |
2019 | SLE-Tagung (Leipzig): Recursion and paradigms |
2019 | MMM 12 (Ljubljana): Thoughts on feature intersection (Poster) |
2019 | IPrA-Tagung (Hongkong): How to tell the difference between evidential and epistemic markers |
2019 | Interpunktion international (Regensburg): Normabweichende Interpunktion als Hinweis auf syntaktische Repräsentation |
2018 | ICEM'18 (Madrid): Against “TAM-E” – from a semantic perspective |
2018 | DRV Sommerschule (München): Lektüreworkshop zu generativen und kognitiven Theorien |
2017 | Linguistisches Kolloquium der LMU München: Existiert ein Infinitiv Posterior im Gegenwartsdeutschen? |
2017 | SLE-Tagung (Zürich): Pragmatic cross-linguistic categories |
2017 | Language Change for the Worse (LMU München, gefördert durch LMU-UCB Research in the Humanities): Language change for the worst – a completely superfluous new infinitive in German |
2016 | TAM-E (Paris): A model of TAM-semantics |
2016 | SLE-Tagung (Neapel): A model of TAM-semantics |
2015 | Categories in Grammar – Criteria and Limitations (FU Berlin): An old case reopened: German [werden + infinitive] as a category of tense, aspect or mood; with special reference to a putative infinitive of [werden + infinitive] |
2015 | ars grammatica (IDS Mannheim): Kriterien für grammatische Kategorien am Beispiel von [werden + Infinitiv] |
2014 | Workshop "Syntax and Semantics of Experiencers – Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives" (HU Berlin): Experiencer arguments of prospective psych verbs in German – how are they realized? |
2014 | FGLS (Cambridge, UK): An emerging future infinitive in present-day German? |
2013 | PhiLang (Lodz): Semantics and semantics |
2013 | DoHa-Kolloquium (Münster): Onstaat er een infinitief van de toekomende tijd in het Duits en in het Nederlands? |
2013 | Diskussionsforum Linguistik in Bayern (Bamberg): Noch ein Infinitiv? |
2011 | Diskussionsforum Linguistik in Bayern (Bamberg): Prospektive Verben im Deutschen |
2010 | ÖLT (Graz): Prospektive Verben |
2009 | Modena International Workshop: Scope of adjuncts revisited |